
blog 10

For me, I want to teach kindergarten (no specific subject area) so I think that surveys would be really good for that age. I could do all kinds of different surveys in the classroom for example a survey about how many siblings each child has, what their favorite color is, etc. This is a good tool to record data at their age! There were a lot of super interesting topics in my classmates' blogs! I liked when we had to write about different tools we use in the classroom such as video sharing, blogs, and wikis. My favorite was  when we wrote about our different learning styles! It was really cool seeing each persons learning style and how they differ from everyone else! I would personally like to learn how to use Excel better! I know how to do basic things with it, but I think it's important that as a future educator that I master some of the tasks on Excel so that I can one day use it in the classroom. I will achieve this goal by asking people who know how to use Excel to help

blog 9

The concept Flipped Classroom is a model in K-12 and postsecondary education. It was first created by teachers in a school in Colorado and was first made as an effort to flip the way students and teachers spend time in the classroom on a daily basis. Instead of just sitting in class listening to lecture after lecture, the students were given content and then homework based off of that same content. So in the flipped classroom setting, the lectures are prerecorded and sent out to each student electronically aside from the classroom. There are now a wide range of different technologies that teachers use in a flipped classroom setting. Open education is all about making the same resources and experiences available to everyone, open content is making the same content available to everyone. For open content you want to focus on reusing, revising, remixing, and redistributing the content. Open source refers to software and it is where the acces

blog 8

There are quite a few adaptive technologies for students with special needs or disabilities. For children who maybe are not able to hand write things due to their disability, there are alternate technologies available for them to be able to complete their work. Another part of adaptive technology is a word processing such as spell check and grammar check which helps students who might see writing as a very difficult task. Word prediction also is a very efficient tool to help students so they don't have to spell out the entire word. One that I've seen first hand is speak to talk which is where people can speak and it types as you talk. One guy in my class in high school was almost fully blind and it was hard for him to type so he would speak out his papers and his laptop would type it all out for him. There are for sure going to be challenges with any type of adaptive technology but I haven't seen any first hand. Powerpoint is a very good and useful tool to use in the clas

blog 7

I think there are so many different uses for Twitter that are educational! I have a personal Twitter account so I was already familiar with how to use Twitter. The benefits of using Twitter are using it to read articles and scholarly tweets written by other people and to see others opinions. I personally haven't experienced any problems with Twitter! I honestly had no idea how to create a website and I'm so glad we had this assignment because it is way easier than I thought it was going to be. I honestly liked all of it, just adding the calendar was a little confusing for me but I finally figured it out! I learned a lot about creating my own website and I can for sure use this with my future career as a teacher to keep the students parents updated on all they need to know throughout the year. There aren't really any ways I can think to improve it. Diigo is a really cool tool that we've been using in class! I think it's so cool how we are able to annotate and add

blog 6

So the school page I picked was Cambridge Christian School which is the school I attended from 1st grade all the way until 12th grade! I have five younger brothers and they all still go there! The grade I chose was 1st grade and there is quite a bit of information on the page that is public. There are different sections of curriculum: Bible (what they learn about the Bible throughout the year), Math (what they focus on mathematically throughout the year), Reading/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Weekly Special Classes (which would be Spanish, Art, Computer, Library, PE). After each subject, there is a description as well as the "Student Goals" they have for each subject area. I feel like technology is such an amazing way to help accomplish professional responsibilities efficiently and effectively in the classroom. You could use technology to electronically s

blog 5

I feel like Web 2.0 technologies such as Wikis, blogs, video sharing sites such as YouTube, and apps are very useful in classroom settings. My favorite would probably be apps because nowadays with so much modern technology, apps are very easy and resourceful. I also think social media is a really good way to use technology in the classroom. One tool that I found that I think would be useful in the classroom is the Charles Kelley Quiz Generator. This tool is super awesome because you are able to create quizzes online and that can come in use for so many things in a classroom setting such as reviewing for a quiz or even just doing a simple classroom activity. I personally think augmented reality is super interesting and will make a huge impact on education and technology used in an educational setting. It opens up so many doors for so many ways to learn hands on. This technology is utilized through many ways, one being through a plethora of different apps. Augmented reality can be th

blog post 4

So far, I have been interacting with different educational twitter accounts. I have been favoriting and retweeting many accounts as well as posting tweets of my own. It has been beneficial because I am able to see other peoples points of view by seeing what they tweet. It will for sure benefit my future career because I know how to tweet from an educational standpoint. The digital divide affects students and their success in school because it also affects the technology literacy. When children are not able to be given modern technological resources, they will for sure be behind. For example, a child in Haiti will not have the same technological resources available as a child here in the US. It is because they are economically challenged and are not exposed to the same resources. One cause is the economical difference between for example, a child in a private school in the United States compared to a child in Africa. As a teacher, I will most likely experience this digital divide depe